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Hard Candy, Original Five Flavors, 6.25 Oz Bag
Life Savers 5 Flavors Hard Candies—It's important to take a minute to appreciate the simple joys in life. One pleasure that's easy to always have handy is Life Savers Hard Candy. A classic American candy since 1912, the flavors of Life Savers Hard Candy have stood the test of time....
Life Savers 5 Flavors Hard Candies—It's important to take a minute to appreciate the simple joys in life. One pleasure that's easy to always have handy is Life Savers Hard Candy. A classic American candy since 1912, the flavors of Life Savers Hard Candy have stood the test of time. Featuring the beloved cherry, raspberry, watermelon, orange, and pineapple fruit flavors of 5 Flavors, it doesn't take much for these trusted tastes to draw an easy smile. So pause the hectic world for just a moment and savor the simple pleasure of Life Savers Hard Candy.
Note: This is a non-returnable item.
Note: This is a non-returnable item.
- Ship Class Code: N
- Total Recycled Content Percent: 0%
- Post-Consumer Recycled Content Percent: 0%
- Pre-Consumer Recycled Content Percent: 0%
- Packing Type: Bag
- Capacity (Weight): 6.25 oz
- Flavor: Original Five Flavors
- Food Type: Hard Candy
- Global Product Type: Food-Candy"